…And Then There are Fusion

The big moment is finally here. The moment the athletes have been training so hard for. The moment the coach has helped bring out the best in their athletes for. It’s time to see who can cross the finish line in the fastest time. The athlete doesn’t need one of our poles, discus, or javelins during this moment. So, for events that we as a company must become spectators, how do we make an impact? We give them the best start.

When designing our FUSION Starting Blocks, we wanted to make sure to keep the athlete in mind. Not just from the moment their feet came off the pedal, but even before they placed in on the track. The rail has a built-in handle, and the pedals remain attached. This allows the athlete to easily carry everything in one hand. Once placed on the track the angled spikes at the base of the pedals make it easy to embed in the track. Just taping on the pedal will ensure their no-slip grip.

The pedals are what really set the FUSION apart (pun intended). Do a quick experiment. Stand with your feet close together and jump. Now widen your stance and jump again. Now assure those around you that you are simply partaking in an experiment. A wider stance allows for a more powerful jump. The same applies for sprinting off starting blocks. The FUSION pedals are the only starting blocks that allow for that wider stance to help give the athlete an explosive start. The rest is up to them.